

A funny children’s craft simple made with a floorcloth.



  • To develop skill
  • To develop imagination and creativity


  • Thick pink and green floorcloth
  • Marker
  • Scissors
  • White and black felt
  • Stapler

Pasos a seguir

Draw in a thick green floor cloth the head, the legs and the tail of a turtle and cut them out.

Turtle paso 1

Cut out a rectangle in thick pink floor cloth and staple it to the legs and the tail in the shape of a cylinder. You already have the shell!

Turtle paso 2

Turn it and staple the shell to the tail.

Turtle paso 3

Then, staple the head to the front part of the shell

Turtle paso 4

Finish shaping the shell in the front with two staples and glue the two felts in the turtle’s head.

Turtle paso 5


  • Edad:6 years
  • Tiempo:45 minutes
  • Dificultad:Low

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