Tropical birds
Tropical birds
With this childrens craft, children will be able to create a nice composition with which they can decorate any part of the house.
- To improve creativity.
- To improve motor control.
- To practice the ability of cutting out.
- Colored cards
- Scissors
- Glue
- Markers
Pasos a seguir
Draw and cut a trunk and glue it on a card: it will be the base of the composition.
Then, draw and cut out the leaves for the tree and plump them up as in the photo.
Now glue them putting glue just in an end so they are a bit separated from the trunk.
The following step is creating our tropical bird. Draw and cut out the body of the birds in this shape. You can make one, two, three
When you have the body draw and cut out the wings, legs and tail. Plump them up as you did with the leaves; glue them to the body of your tropical bird and this one to the card with the trunk and leaves.
- Edad:6 years
- Tiempo:1 hour
- Dificultad:Low
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