Pink wig

Pink wig

This pink tissue paper wig is a children’s craft perfect for a Carnaval party. It can be made at the last minute to complete a fancy dress or to take part in a children’s show.

Pink wig


  • To make a wig for a fancy dress
  • To learn to measure
  • To develop skill
  • To learn to staple


  • A base for a crown
  • Dark pink and light pink tissue paper
  • A ruler
  • A stapler
  • Scissors

Pasos a seguir

First, make a base for crowns but adding two stripes more. Cut the tissue paper in stripes and make 1-1,5 cm fringes. The length of the stripes must be the following: inferior stripe (dark pink): 24 cm. Two dark pink stripes: 17 cm. Two light pink stripes: 17 cm.

Pink wig paso 1

Staple the 24cm stripe around the base of the crown gathering it a bit.

Pink wig paso 2

Staple a 17 cm stripe to the first stripe gathering it a bit.

Pink wig paso 3

Staple a 17cm stripe to the middle of the crown gathering it at the level of the card stripes. Stripe a light pink stripe on the previous one, leaving about 1cm between both stripes. Do not forget to gather the tissue paper stripe. Keep on with a dark stripe.

Pink wig paso 4

Finish stapling a light pink stripe on the top of the wig. The only thing remaining is to cut the fringe. Put you the wig and cut out the paper which covers your eyes.

Pink wig paso 5


  • Edad:5 years
  • Tiempo:1 hour
  • Dificultad:Medium

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