Papier mache head
Papier mache head
The figures with big head are a tradition in many carnivals around the world and other local feasts. This childrens craft will allow the children to create its own head in papier mache.
- To develop motor control
- To develop imagination and coordination.
- To recover traditions
- A big balloon
- Upholstery glue
- A newspaper
- Cards
- Paint
- Sellotape
Pasos a seguir
Blow up a balloon. Cut out the ears, the nose and the mouth in a card and stick them to the balloon with sellotape.
Cut out stripes of newsprint, put glue them on them and glue them to the baloon in successive coats interweaving. The more coats, the more solid the head would be.
Leave it to dry 24-48 hours. Burst the balloon and remove it.
Cut out a circle in the base where you can put your head. Put on the papier mache head to know at what level you have the eyes and the mouth. Cut out the eyes and mouth slot. If you want, instead of a slot for the mouth you can do little holes for breathing that will scarcely be seen.
Paint the head and leave it to dry. Congratulations big head!
- Edad:7 years
- Tiempo:1 hour
- Dificultad:Low
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