Ornament for the pencil
Ornament for the pencil
This childrens craft allows preparing pencils decorated with nice gnomes heads that will cheer the child up in his/her back to school. The idea can also be used as a present for a birthday or Christmas.
- To face the back to school in a playful way.
- To develop and keep coordination.
- To develop creativity.
- Colored or black pencils.
- Glue
- A wooden stick or toothprick
- A garlic smasher.
Pasos a seguir
Knead a small ball of plasticine to make the head. When it is well soft make a ball with the two hands. Prick the pencil on the ball.
Make the eyes, the nose, the mouth and the ears with the plasticine of the corresponding colour.
Make a hole in the center of each eye and the mouth with the toothprick. Smash a plasticine ball with the garlic smasher to make the hair and stick it to the head.
Knead a ball of the colour that you choose to make the hat. Flatten the plasticine and cut a triangle. Put the triangle around the head to make the hat.
Remove the pencil carefully. Put the heads in the oven for the time indicated by the plasticines manufacturer. Then leave it to cool and fit the heads in the pencils.
- Edad:4 years
- Tiempo:1 hour
- Dificultad:Low
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