Lion mask
Lion mask
With this childrens craft the young ones will boast about being the kings of the savannah. It is a great costume for a childrens party, a school play or Carnival.
- To develop creativity
- To develop curiosity
- A roll of yellow packing paper
- Scissors
- A stapler
- Yellow, orange and pink card
- Glue
- Thick marker
Pasos a seguir
Cut out a large strip of packing paper (about 1 metre) and form a big bag bending the strip in three. Put the bag on your head to localize the place of the eyes and mark it with two circles.
First, cut out all the elements that you are going to need: two red circles for the eyers, two smaller pink circles for the interior of the ears, two big circles for the cheeks and two orange triangles to make the mane.
Cut out the circles for the eyes in the place that you have marked. Glue the interior of the ears in the two yellow circles. Bend the two superior points of the bag and staple the two ears on them.
Glue the cheeks in the center of the mask. Draw the details of the lions face.
Glue the triangles around the lions face to make a nice mane.
- Edad:6 years
- Tiempo:45 minutes
- Dificultad:Low
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