Flying dragonfly
Flying dragonfly
With this childrens craft, children will be able to make a funny activity and you they will also be able to make the dragonfly fly with their own hands.
- To review and practice notions of simple geometry.
- To develop creativity.
- Colored cards
- Scissors
- Glue
Pasos a seguir
Draw a big drop in a blue card and cut it out. In a lighter blue paper cut out thin rectangles and glue them on the drop, leaving a space between them. It will be the dragonflys body.
Use a fuchsia and a pink card to cut drops. The fuchsia one will be bigger than the pink ones. Then, glue the pink drops on the fuchsia ones. They will be the dragonflys wings.
Glue the wings on the dragonflys body.
Use another rectangular stripe of paper of the same colour than the body to make the antennas. Glue them behind the dragonfly and roll the point a bit.
Turn the dragonfly and glue a strip of paper loose enough to put your finger in. It is for making the dragonfly fly.
- Edad:5 years
- Tiempo:1 hour
- Dificultad:Low
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