Christmas ball

Christmas ball

This children’s craft is the perfect complement to decorate Christmas tree with traditional balls. Totally handcrafted!

Christmas ball


  • To learn to reuse materials.
  • To participate on Christmas´ preparations.
  • To develop creativity.
  • To develop a precise and careful work.


  • Cotton or white cork ball
  • Used paper with different consistency or brown paper.
  • Beads, seeds or any other small decorative element.
  • Neoprene adhesive or a glue gun.
  • Brass thread

Pasos a seguir

Cut a piece of brass thread around 20 cm long. Cut out a square of paper big enough to cover the whole ball. Put the ball in the centre of the paper square and wrap it.

Christmas ball paso 1

Tie the paper with the brass thread. Bend and glue the paper point of the ball.

Christmas ball paso 2

Cut out sheets of newsprint. Glue them in the top of the ball to cover the extreme where the thread comes out

Christmas ball paso 3

Cut out small strips of paper and roll them up wringing them to make a kind of little branch. Glue little leaves in the paper branch. Glue the branch to the ball.

Christmas ball paso 4

Decorate the ball with leaves and beads.

Christmas ball paso 5


  • Edad:5 years
  • Tiempo:45 minutes
  • Dificultad:Low

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