Christmas ball
Christmas ball
This childrens craft is the perfect complement to decorate Christmas tree with traditional balls. Totally handcrafted!
- To learn to reuse materials.
- To participate on Christmas´ preparations.
- To develop creativity.
- To develop a precise and careful work.
- Cotton or white cork ball
- Used paper with different consistency or brown paper.
- Beads, seeds or any other small decorative element.
- Neoprene adhesive or a glue gun.
- Brass thread
Pasos a seguir
Cut a piece of brass thread around 20 cm long. Cut out a square of paper big enough to cover the whole ball. Put the ball in the centre of the paper square and wrap it.
Tie the paper with the brass thread. Bend and glue the paper point of the ball.
Cut out sheets of newsprint. Glue them in the top of the ball to cover the extreme where the thread comes out
Cut out small strips of paper and roll them up wringing them to make a kind of little branch. Glue little leaves in the paper branch. Glue the branch to the ball.
Decorate the ball with leaves and beads.
- Edad:5 years
- Tiempo:45 minutes
- Dificultad:Low
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