Broad-brimmed hat with flowers

Broad-brimmed hat with flowers

This children’s craft is a perfect element for the wardrobe of a school play or as a carnival costume.

Broad-brimmed hat with flowers


  • To learn how to use a compass.
  • To develop skill.


  • Two large cardboards yellow and white.
  • A ruler and a compass.
  • Glue.
  • A stapler.
  • Crepe paper flowers.
  • 1 metre of tape.
  • Scissors.

Pasos a seguir

Glue the two cardboards one on the other. Draw and cut out a circle with 25 cm radium on the white side. The yellow side will be the visible part of the broad-brimmed hat. Trace and cut out a circle with 6 cm radium in the centre of the previous circle to make the base of the broad brimmed hat.

Broad-brimmed hat with flowers paso 1

Cut out a 14cm x 7 cm rectangle. Make a line 2 cm from the top and another one 2 cm from the bottom of the rectangle.

Broad-brimmed hat with flowers paso 2

Glue the stripe rounded, to obtain a 12cm diametre ring. Make flaps in both sides of the ring without outstripping the limit marked by the two lines. Bend the top flaps inside and the down ones outside.

Broad-brimmed hat with flowers paso 3

Put the ring on the broad brimmed hat’s hole and glue the down flaps on the inner part of the hat. Cut out a circle with 6 cm radium and glue it on the rest of the flaps.

Broad-brimmed hat with flowers paso 4

Make a cut in the hat, as in the photo, and glue or staple the two parts overlapping them to slightly shape the hat as a cone. Glue the crepe paper flowers to the hat. Cut the tape in two and staple a piece to each side of the hat in order to tie it.

Broad-brimmed hat with flowers paso 5


  • Edad:6 years
  • Tiempo:1 hour
  • Dificultad:Low

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